
警察刑事紀錄證明(良民證) 問答集


In accordance with Article 3 of the Act Governing Issuance of PCRC, the PCRC referred to in this Act means the record certificates made by police department in accordance with the data of the criminal cases sentenced and executed by judicial or military judicial authorities.


To apply in person:
Please prepare the required documents and go to the Foreign Affairs Division (hereinafter referred to as “FAD”) of any local county/city police department for application. Some police departments provide rapid issuance service and authorize their subordinate police units to accept the application.
  1. 網路申請臨櫃領證:申請人於警政署全球資訊網上傳申請資料後通常需要2.5工作日,請先查詢案件進度,當案件進度查詢顯示為「已完成」,即可攜身分證明及應備文件至選取的領件地點取件。
  2. 網路申請郵寄領證(MyData平臺會員限定):MyData(個人化資料自主運用平臺)會員,請至至警政署全球資訊網,上傳申請資料並完成線上身分核驗,並以信用卡完成線上繳費後,由受理警察機關以郵寄方式寄送。 《成為MyData會員》
To apply online:
  1. To apply online and pick up in person: It usually takes 2.5 working days to process an application after the applicant uploads the personal information onto the NPA global website. Please refer to the status of process first. If the status shows “completed”, the applicant can bring the required documents and his/her ID to the selected police unit to pick up the certificate.
  2. To apply online and receive by post (only applicable to “My Data” members): The applicant shall log onto the NPA Global Website, upload personal information to complete his/her identity verifications and pay fees and return postage online with a credit card. The certificate applied in this way shall be posted to the applicant by the police department that has processed the application. Become a member of “My Data”
To apply by post:
The applicant shall enclose the completed application form, original identity documents, NT$100 processing fee and a self-addressed stamped envelope and mail them to the FAD of any police department for processing.
To apply by fax:
The applicant shall fax the completed application form to the FAD of any police department for initial processing. Please confirm the acceptance by phone first and bring the required documents, including the original ID and the processing fee NT$100 to the FAD of the police department to collect the PCRC.


You can apply for a PCRC at the FAD of any local police department. It usually takes 2.5 working days to process the application if there is no need to confirm with judicial or military judicial authorities. (Please refer to the status of process through the NPA global website first). In addition, since each police department has different waiting time for rapid issuance service based on its workload and workforce, please check on the website for more details.


  1. 臺灣地區有戶籍國民:國民身分證正本或戶口名簿正本(持戶口名簿辦理者須另出示有相片之證件)。
  2. 臺灣地區無戶籍國民、大陸地區人民及香港澳門居民:中華民國臺灣地區居留證或內政部移民署核發之其他相關證件正本。
  3. 外國人:護照、外僑居留證或永久居留證正本。
  4. 需加註英文姓名者,應另檢附護照基本資料頁正本或影本。
Identity Documents(The original documents shall be returned after verification.):
  1. R.O.C. citizens: An original ID or Household Certificate (People who apply with a household certificate are required to present a driver's license or a NHI card as supporting documentation).
  2. R.O.C. nationals without registered permanent residence in Taiwan area, citizens of China, Hong Kong, or Macau: An original Alien Resident Certificate or related documents issued by the National Immigration Agency, Ministry of the Interior.
  3. Foreign nationals: An original passport, Alien Resident Certificate or Alien Permanent Resident Certificate.
  4. If the applicant needs to put his/her English name on the certificate, he/she has to submit the original or copied page of his/her passports with the personal information.
(三) 申請人請填妥申請書,並檢附身分證明文件正本、費用及回郵信封,郵寄至至各警察局外事科辦理。
To apply by post:The applicant shall enclose the completed application form, original identity documents, NT$100 processing fee and a self-addressed stamped envelope and mail them to the FAD of any police department for processing.


You shall visit the NPA global website status of process by entering your ID Number and date of birth to check the progress of your application.


The online application cannot be modified after the submission by the applicant. You can cancel and reapply it should you find a mistake in the application. However, if your application is already being processed, you shall not be able to cancel the application. Please contact the local police department in charge for further assistance.


You don’t need to apply to the police department within the vicinity of the household registration. You may submit your application form at the FAD of any police department at your convenience.


If the applicant is unable to apply for the PCRC in person, he/she may assign a representative to apply on his/her behalf. Moreover, the assigned person shall sign or stamp on the power of attorney granted by the applicant. The IDs of both the representative and the applicant are also required when picking up the certificates.


A copy of the certificate is NT$100 (Each additional copy applied at the same time is NT$20), and US$7 for international application (Each additional copy applied at the same time is US$1).


(一) 經我國 駐外館處 驗證或認證之護照影本,或經相關公證單位驗證、公證或認證之相關身分證明文件(如護照、外僑居留證等)影本。
(二) 每份工本費7美元(僅收現金),費用包含證書費及普通郵件郵資;港澳地區每份6美元。第2份起每份收費1美元。
(三) 申請書
(四) 填寫收件地址之信封;郵寄地址:100001臺北市中正區延平南路96號,臺北市政府警察局外事科收。

You shall mail the following required items to the Taipei City Police Department:

  1. A photocopy of the passport that is authenticated or notarized by the R.O.C. embassies or overseas missions, or a photocopy of any of required identity documents, e.g., passport or Alien Resident Certificate, that is authenticated or notarized by other civil notary offices.
  2. Processing fee: Oversea applicant shall remit US$7 (postage included) in cash for the first copy. The applicant from Hong Kong and Macau shall remit US$6 (postage included). Each additional copy applied at the same time is US$1.
  3. Application form
  4. A self-addressed envelope. Please mail all the required items above and processing fee to Taipei City Police Department (FAD). No. 96, Yanping S. Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City 100001, Taiwan (R.O.C.) ;Tel:+886-2-2381-7494.

現在或曾在臺灣地區設有戶籍或有居留、停留紀錄之人民,皆可依規定備妥申請表及身分證件向直轄市、縣 (市) 政府警察局申請核發警察刑事紀錄證明。

People who had/have household registration in the Taiwan Areas, or have residence or visit records in the Taiwan Areas shall submit the application form and identity documents to city/county police department to apply for the PCRC.


(一) 受通緝尚未撤銷者。
(二) 判決確定之刑事案件尚未執行或執行中者。
In accordance with the Act Governing Issuance of PCRC, certificates shall not be issued to the applicant who remain on a wanted list or whose prison sentences haven’t been served or are being served.


(一) 合於少年事件處理法第83條之1第1項規定者。
(二) 受緩刑之宣告,未經撤銷者。
(三) 受拘役、罰金之宣告者。
(四) 受免刑之判決者。
(五) 經免除其刑之執行者。
(六) 法律已廢除其刑罰者。
(七) 經易科罰金或依刑法第41條第2項之規定易服社會勞動執行完畢,5年內未再受有期徒刑以上刑之宣告者。

In accordance with Article 6 of the Act Governing Issuance of PCRC, PCRC shall be made in writing, and shall explicitly indicate whether there is a criminal record or not. However, the records of the following subparagraph shall not be included:

  1. If Paragraph 1 of Article 83-1 of the Juvenile Delinquency Act is applicable to an offense of an applicant.
  2. An applicant is sentenced to be under probation that has not been revoked.
  3. An applicant is sentenced to serve penal servitude or be fined.
  4. An applicant is sentenced to be exempted from a penalty.
  5. An applicant is exempted from serving a sentence.
  6. A penalty has been abolished by the law.
  7. An applicant will not be sentenced to imprisonment or a more severe punishment within five years after the execution of a punishment commuted to a fine, or community service in accordance with Paragraph 2 of Article 41 of Criminal Code is completed.


Please collect your PCRC within 30 days after the day you submit the application. If your collection is overdue, the application shall be made again.


In accordance with Article 4 of the Act Governing Issuance of the PCRC, in case the applicant is a minor, the application shall be submitted by his/her legal representative.